17 Reasons Why Your Baby Isn’t Getting Enough Sleep
BY Sakatta Inc.
January 29, 2022

Here is a list of the main reasons you need to put your baby to sleep:
Bedtime Too Late - Baby’s will feel restless and cranky if they are overtired and it will be much harder for them to fall asleep
Hungry Baby - Unlike adults, who can control their appetites during sleep babies however cannot and it can prevent them from falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Make sure that the baby is well fed and comfortable before putting them to sleep.
Sleeping Environment Is Quiet - Some babies prefer to hear some type of soothing sound stimulation to help them drift off to sleep. You can try playing lullabies and using white noise sound machines in the nursery so that the room is not completely quiet.
Teething - When babies begin to grow teeth it is easy to sense the change. The process called teething is one of the first uncomfortable growing pains we all must endeavor. During teething which lasts about a week until the tooth finally appears the baby experiences discomfort, excessive drooling, and having issues staying asleep.
It’s Too Hot - Just like adults, the room temperature is very important for a baby. If there clothing or bedding is preventing them from being cool they will not be able to fall asleep. No one likes to sleep in a hot room.
More hugs - Babies need a lot of physical attention and skin to skin contact to help them feel calm, safe, and secure. They may wake up during the night if they feel like they have been abandoned or left alone. Comforting them will help them to return to sleep.
Indigestion Is Discomforting- While being fed properly is one aspect, feeling like you have not fully digested is another. It is very important to make sure you burp the baby after each meal, especially in the hours before bed. This can help reduce throw-up, spit up, and having gas. If a baby feels uncomfortable they will toss, turn, and cry.
Wet Diapers- Newborns and infants also experience discomfort if their pampers are dirty. They use the bathroom so many times throughout the day that a new parent can be confused as to how they consistently need to be changed. This causes them to awake during sleep and start crying to get attention. The first thing to check if your child wakes up during the night is their bottoms.
Other Medical Issues - Most parents notice their baby the most during the nighttime when distraction is at its lowest point. Your baby could be suffering from an ear infection or throat infection which might not always lead to a fever. If you baby refuses to fall asleep and they look like they are experiencing pain, then make an appointment with your pediatrician.
Too Much Daytime Stimulation - Babies should be exposed to social contact but not close to their bedtimes, experts say, that it increases their awareness making it more difficult for them to wind down for sleep.
Not Sticking To Sleep Schedule - If you change the times you put your baby down for bed each night, it doesn’t help them begin a pattern that they can eventually use on their own. If they are not sure if it’s bedtime or playtime then sleeping will become more and more of a task rather than just the natural order of the night. Sticking to a good sleep routine will ensure that your baby learns when it’s time to sleep.
Consider Colic - The worst thing is to have a colicky baby who just cries all the time. There is no real diagnosis for it outside of the prolonged time of crying. Parents may think something is wrong but it is generally just an out-of-the-blue discomfort that keeps the baby up at night. It is usually during colic where parents use pacifiers, interactive nursery gadgets, and white noise to try and calm their kid. Most times during colic the crying will cease on its own after a couple of days.
It’s A Growth Spurt - It’s obvious but not quite obvious that the baby is growing as the weeks progress. Most babies experience growth spurts during their first 3 months of development. There is nothing much you can do about the discomfort they may feel and its best to try to coddle them as much as possible.
It’s Too Cold - The perfect temperature sets the perfect mood for babies. A suggested room temperature between 50-60 degrees is ideal.
Moro Reflex - It is also known as “startle response” which is a reflect based response to feeling of falling, or the loss of support. Many babies in the first 3 months of development experience moro reflex during sleep and it causes them to awake in a minor panic. These are learning periods where the baby is getting accustomed to the World around them as their sensory responses become stronger.
Baby’s Bedtime Too Early - Babies cannot yet tell the difference between night and day until they are around 5 months old. Putting a baby to bed too early will through their new developing circadian rhythm more out of whack with regular wake and sleep hours. It is suggested to wait to at least evening hours before laying the baby down to sleep for the rest of the night.
Too Many Naps - The best way for your baby to not get nighttime rest is directly correlated to the frequency and length of their nap time during the day. If a baby naps for too long or too close to their scheduled bed time, it can cause them to have more trouble going to sleep when you need them too. Making sure you time their naps to about 2 hours or less and not within the last 3 hours before bed, then you should be able to maintain your baby’s sleep routine.
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